Character of Woodland
Woodland is a major component of the landscape of the AONB, with a diverse and complex land use history.
Many areas of woodland in the AONB date back to at least the medieval period and are associated with ancient trees, coppices and
semi-natural habitats.Just as important however are the post 1800 additions. These include new geometric blocks of woodland used as
game cover and striking ornamental additions linked to the creation of great landscape parks.

The map illustrates the distribution of woodland through today's landscape in the AONB by broad type.
Although many areas of old woodland have been cleared or replanted since the medieval period, the general trend over the last 200 years has been towards a more dispersed woodland landscape punctuated by ancient blocks of woodland. There are of course exceptions to this pattern. For example, around the Donheads in the Vale of Wardour ancient enclosures and assarts nestle alongside dispersed bands of ancient trees and recently wooded over common land.
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For more detailed information on the AONB Historic Landscape Characterisation click here.